Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

I am a registered IBS specialist (GHR).

For greater long-lasting therapeutic impact, my IBS programme consists of a total of 7 sessions: the first session being the assessment. 

The following 6 sessions are spread over 12 twelve weeks (roughly every 14 days). Each session focuses on a different aspect which when delivered will work in conjunction to bring long-term results. This programme requires your full participation and engagement. 

You will be given audios (MP3s); these need to be listened to regularly.

The brain/gut interaction has been demonstrated in various research. Hypnosis is part of the psychological interventions recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the management of IBS.

For more information on hypnosis and IBS, please go to my blog and read my article 'Hypnotherapy and IBS: a NICE way to listen to your gut feeling'.